Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Here's your sign"

Last night there were several referrals, and sadly we weren't among them. Nobody can officially tell us what the hold up is for sure and its begun to take its toll. Just when I was starting to doubt whether we would ever have our little baby to hold , God sent me a sign. Today, two of my first graders were playing "hangman" together during free choice and the only three letters they had time to guess were M Y A. They had no idea that they had just spelled our daughter's name, and were tickled pink when I told them. So for now, my hope has been restored. I think God might have something up his sleeve!

Friday, March 7, 2008

7 Months DTV!

Things are starting to look a little brighter in the world of Vietnam adoptions. Let's hope that we won't have to wait too much longer to see our daughter's sweet little face!